A BIM tool based on IFC standard, an open, interchangeable and collaborative file format thanks to an openBIM-like approach. JOIN allows you to manage all the BIM information of the 3D model of a construction, integrating economic, technical, temporal and managerial data, by associating infinite attributes to the elements. Thanks to synchronised data, you can obtain up-to-date and consistent information throughout the entire lifecycle of your construction.
JOIN 3D module allow you to navigate 3D drawings and use commands to select and filter BIM objects. JOIN 3D viewer allows the user to deal with data management, attributes and relationships between BIM objects within a 3D model of a construction. Its bidirectional link with scheduling (4D model) and costing (5D model) allows you to easily and effectively obtain:
4D is the module for time dimension management. With JOIN you can manage the time schedule of a construction project and freely define the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) to be used for scheduling jobs activities. The temporal representation of the activities takes place through a Gantt diagram reproduced on a modifiable chronological scale. Inside are placed the periods of activity (tasks) scheduled with their calendars and working hours diversified by resource.
JOIN allows you to break down the Gantt, in other words to filter the diagram on time periods and values that characterize tasks (e.g. companies, categories, work teams and any other BIM data).
Module 5D refers to Cost Management. It allows you to generate a metric estimation by associating price items with the BIM objects of a 3D model. In addition, with JOIN 5D you can establish the measurement criteria (length, width, height, area, volume, etc...) available in the geometric properties of BIM objects.
The 5D module is not only a metric calculation generator, but should be considered as a container of data in the IFC file and added attributes (stages of implementation, executing companies, suppliers, contractual information, ...) useful to manage the work during its life cycle.
The JOIN print engine lets you create customizable print layouts (styles and content), perfect for presenting documents to customers or suppliers. In the reports you can enter all the values for the three dimensions (3D, 4D, 5D).