i-Mesh - Contemporary Tapestry, Rome Edition

Arazzi Contemporanei / Contemporary Tapestries collective show 11 - 27 January 2020 @ Contemporary Cluster, Via Dei Barbieri 7, Roma - Italy on show artworks created by Cristiano Toraldo Di Francia, Migliore + Servetto, Alberonero, Graphic Surgery, Ippolito Fleitz Group , Giovanna Latis, Marco Ferreri, Rona Meyuchas Koblenz , Pierpaolo Pitacco, Lis Beltran & Alberto Lievore a show curated by Alberto Fiorenzi with the intellectual contribution of Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Cristiana Colli video by Alessio Hong Just a few months since his passing, we paid tribute to Cristiano Toraldo di Francia by continuing along a path that he began with us in 2017, in helping us start reflections on Soft Architecture, precisely through the metaphor of tapestry and the flexibility of the material and production systems we had invented and of which he, with an unexpected surprise, was an admirer. We therefore wanted to start again with him, supported by his friends, fans and heirs to pick up where he left off. After Milan, we displayed in Rome, with his "Histogram" and with many excellent authors like Ico Migliore (Migliore+Servetto Architects), Alberonero, Ippolito Fleitz Group, Graphic Surgery, Giovanna Latis, Rona Meyuchas Koblenz, Marco Ferreri, Pierpaolo Pitacco, Lis Beltran & Alberto Lievore.

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